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Solar and storage


For more than a decade, we have been committed to the energy transition to renewable energies. In solar energy, we have implemented pioneering solar thermal power plants that have demonstrated the effectiveness of our technological solutions. We carry out everything from promotion, development and construction to commercial operation.

We invest in and develop thermosolar projects that are hybridized with other renewable technologies, in particular photovoltaic.

We have the technological know-how achieved through our own solutions and the experience of having participated in 29 manageable solar thermal projects with more than 2,000 MW installed.

Of all the manageable solar resource solutions, photovoltaic is one of the most efficient, as can be seen in the Solgest park (Sevilla), a pioneer and key project in this type of technology.

We drive forward and design the solar or storage plant in line with the final application, where we provide fully integrated and flexible solutions in accordance with each project’s business model. We cover complementary services to the grid, the creation of microgrids, self-consumption, as well as optimize the benefits of the installations.

We drive battery storage projects as part of the solution to site-specific grid needs and, through our energy management system (EMS), we make the most efficient use of energy, technically and economically alike.

More about Sener Renewable Investments

Green hydrogen

We invest in the development of innovative solutions to promote green hydrogen to transform industrial processes and become more sustainable. Green hydrogen is an essential energy vector towards the energy transition, as stated in the European Green Deal and the Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap in Spain.

Offshore wind

We foster new offshore wind projects calling on the extensive offshore wind resource that is the sea. To do so, we draw on our one-of-a-kind experience in the fields of offshore wind energy and marine engineering.

Circular economy

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we identify solutions that foster the shift towards a circular economy, a model that extends the life of resources while cutting down on waste.